Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nineteen Years

Today is Maha Shoshthi, the first day of Durga Pujo, when Ma Durga is welcomed into our homes, the rituals of Bodhon, Amantran, Adhibas, are are going on in every pujo pandals. Nineteen years ago also it was 13th October, Shoshthi, when Bapi left us for his heavenly abode, I say that because for the last few days of my Bapi's life all he said was 'Ma', only that one word, 'Ma'. We used to ask him what was his discomfort, if he was in pain, he never replied, it was as if he was ready, and all he was waiting was for Ma to come and relieve him of this life.

His life had its more than fair share of ups and downs, and its was his sheer faith in Ma Durga, that gave him the strength to face all obstacles and come out of them successful. Nothing ever shook his faith in his Ma. Among all his siblings, he was extremely close to his mother, and was a very very devoted son. He drew his inspiration from her, she in turn had brought him up to be a man of a very strong, and honest character. For Bapi his Mother and the Universal Mother, were one. Its no wonder then that it was Durga pujo, when his Ma took him away to her abode.

It was a big blow to us, his children and our mother. We just couldn't accept the fact that how could he pass away on the very day of the begining of Durga pujo. How could Ma Durga do this to him and his family. How could she put him through painful treatment, and yet in the end take him away. Its only now, after so many years, and after finally coming to terms with the reality, and thanks to Guruji, that we have started to understand the deeper meaning of life itself. What died was the body, soul lives on, to move at higher realms, closer to the Universal truth. Bapi too moved on, to where he rightfully belongs, for all the pain that he took, for all the struggle that he faced in his life, this was the fitting reward, to go where his Ma dwells, and I am sure he is there somewhere, showering his blessings on all of us, his family that he left behind.

We all have to go some day, it depends on our Karmas. Soul is ever lasting and we all come back again some where, as somebody else, in the process meeting each other over and over again, as parents, siblings, spouses, partners, friends and so on. Every new life brings with it new relationships, new life stories, all depending on the Karmas that we had in our previous lives. And the close conections of those past life does draw us again to the same soul who used to be our father, or mother, or sibling and so on. That feeling of I know someone, whom I hadn't even met before, I feel more close to some people, than others, how? The answer to that is simple, we may not recognize each other, but the soul does recognize each other.

So I know that I will meet my Bapi some where, as somebody, I am sure I will know him as someone very close to me, he will too know me as someone his own, for we all don't go anywhere really, its all here, right here, till we all reach Nirvana. That I am sure will take sometime. :)


  1. You've said all we would have liked to say as a family... well expressed. Nineteen years seems a long time to many but to me it still feels like yesterday - the pain though, has dulled in comparison to the last few years. This, like you say is due to Guruji's grace but I guess I still have a very long way to go before I can accept Bapi's passing away without all those questions popping up. Awaiting answers....
